lehtu.github.io a blog by lehtu

Why I am taking a part to Blaugust


I have always wanted to have my own blog, even tried blogging couple of times. It has never got me far from the beginning and then I have just forgot even having a blog. Now I'm joining to Blaugust and trying to blog once a day for whole month! - eventhough it's not looking good, since I'm writing this first post just before the day changes..

Why writing a blog has been so hard for me? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have never felt like I'm good enough to write about anything. I have also afraid of being wrong, making mistakes and what people would think of me if I'm not perfect. On the other hand I haven't read that much books, and maybe I have some level of a lack of focus which is crucial on writing a blog, also consistency and routines is something I have been lacking.

Anyways, let's see how this trial goes and have a happy Blaugust everyone!