lehtu.github.io a blog by lehtu

My Blaugust Raport


When I heard about Blaugust - a month when you should post a blog each day for a month, I first thought that it's too intense for me, but after a while of thinking of it I decided to try it anyways.

I have always wanted to write more and have a blog where I could write down and share my thoughts and experiments. Usually it has been under 5 posts and then I forgot the whole thing existed. Also there was high hopes attached to it before. A lot of followers, maybe even money. But now it was more about doing something to reach my goals from the past.

Thanks to my friend Juhis(check his blog here: hamatti.org) I got excited about Blaugust and eventhough I didn't finish it by reaching whole 31 posts, because of his support I managed to write more than I have written ever before in all of my blogs combined!

In one point work and life got in the way and I just really hadn't energy to write every day. That I allowed for me. It's okay not to write every day, I can catch up one day by writing several posts. But then the backlog just grew too much.

In the end, I have now a blog, which I can update whenever I feel like it, so I would say that Blaugust was a great success for me after all :)